Mistakes found in main series Pokémon game coding
Those gender ratios for Pokémon you believed to hold true? They’ve been wrong for years. The games could be running faster too.
Those gender ratios for Pokémon you believed to hold true? They’ve been wrong for years. The games could be running faster too.
Learn about Necrozma and see how it fits in with the new forms for Solgaleo and Lunala! What can we expect from Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Pokémon Gold and Silver have been announced for the 3DS eShop! They release September 22.
Today’s Pokémon Direct has revealed new versions of Sun and Moon.
Where is Coil? Here is Coil!
A demo version for Android users in Japan has launched for the first 10,000 people.
That’s because it involves fishing! Get it? Fishy… Oh, just get 250,000 Pokémon via fishing in rare spots already.
A Portuguese interview with Niantic’s Vice President of Strategic Partnerships reveals the plans for Legendaries and more this summer.
From seven Regional events for TCG and VGC last year to a mere two?
The update brings about a bunch of bug fixes, such as fixes to bugs like Scatterbug.