Rockruff mystery evolution in Anime teased in cliffhanger
Speculation has been floated that it may evolve into a third form… We’ll find out next week.
Speculation has been floated that it may evolve into a third form… We’ll find out next week.
Primarily contains bug fixes, including a return of the Instinct leader, Spark! Motivation reportedly decreases far quicker now for defending Pokémon too.
The event has been extended for another 72 hours! All bonuses – experience points, stardust, candy and more – and Legendary Pokémon are available right now!
Walking it as you buddy requires 20 km for a single Candy as well.
Watch the stream with us!
They’re undoubtedly more worthwhile than the Anniversary Box too!
Mega Stones for Aggron, Tyranitar, Abomasnow and Manectric are available through a serial code.
They’re finally confirmed! Players at Chicago GO Fest get the first chance to unlock and participate in Legendary Raids this Saturday. They’ll be worldwide afterward!
It starts on the 22nd of July.