Rainbow Team Rocket in next Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon announcement
We’ll find out more tomorrow. Should they be renamed ‘Team Rainbow’?
The new wave of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon news coming tomorrow (10 pm JST, 2nd November) has been given a tease by the official Japanese Pokémon Twitter account.
【『ポケモン ウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン』発売まで、あと16日!】明日、11月2日22時に新情報公開! どこか見覚えのある「R」マークを胸につけた、謎のトレーナー。彼らはまさか……ロケット団?https://t.co/33JXJVGyNI #ポケモンウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン pic.twitter.com/ZzjBnVkgTj
— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) November 1, 2017
Team Rocket members with a rainbow ‘R’ logo on their clothing are going to be part of the news released. We’ve seen them on pre-order cards for the games already, but no official details beyond their appearance yet exists. Presumably we will learn this tomorrow.
Are you excited about Team Rocket’s return to the main games?