Pecharunt’s tale is a welcome return to Pokémon storytelling
Mythical events have been rather lacking in recent previous generations. We review them to highlight how nice it is to see Pecharunt’s story!
Mythical events have been rather lacking in recent previous generations. We review them to highlight how nice it is to see Pecharunt’s story!
Zeraora joins the fight in Pokémon Sword and Shield in the form of a Dynamax Raid! This guide should give a few ideas on how to down the elusive Thunderclap Pokémon quickly and efficiently.
Although it was mostly news on mobile games, we did receive some particularly exciting announcements as well. What do you think?
Codes were never distributed and mention of the event has since been retracted.
Generation seven is still going, and the newest Mythical is on its way! Shiny Poipole is also making the rounds.
It’s also the first reveal of the movie title in English.
This newest Mythical is an Electric type!