May 25, 2020, 12:15 PM

Next wave of Masters datamine reveals a new Sygna Suit character
We have three characters in total to look forward to, with the non-Sygna Suit characters brand new to Pokémon Masters!
We have three characters in total to look forward to, with the non-Sygna Suit characters brand new to Pokémon Masters!
There is a lot to look forward to in Masters. Let’s take a look at the latest message from the developers!
The Sinnoh Starters and more common Pokémon have been added! Shinx can be found as a Shiny too.
Sinnoh confirmed! …Well, for GO. Furthermore, migration, weather effects and battle mechanics are set to change!
The Sinnoh Starters have been spotted for the first time!
A new trump card will be revealed on the 15th of November. A trailer has also been released of the Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX cards.