Pulseman – Rotom in disguise
Before Game Freak created Pokémon, they did other titles such as Pulseman. Find out how this title has been referenced time and again!
Before Game Freak created Pokémon, they did other titles such as Pulseman. Find out how this title has been referenced time and again!
There is a lot to look forward to in Masters. Let’s take a look at the latest message from the developers!
Four of them are five star characters! Spoilers within – check their moves and our quick analysis!
A review of the Ultra Prism TCG set, in which Sinnoh probably isn’t confirmed, Dialga manipulates time, and Metal-types exist.
We summarise the new cards. It’s a lot of Sinnoh for a Ultra Sun and Moon set… What are The Pokémon Company promoting here?
CoroCoro has arrived, and with it juicy new details for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! We have Z-Moves for Necrozma and upgrades to the Rotom Pokédex.
Marowak takes a legendary crown, interrupting a festival. Find out what happens next with the PokéCommunity Daily!
Ash can’t find his Electrium Z Crystal! Did someone steal it?
We take a closer look at the Rotom Pokédex, and what the QR Scanner means for our gameplay.
The official Pokémon Sun and Moon website and YouTube channel reveals today’s information.