September 25, 2018, 9:14 AM

Mythical Pokémon Meltan revealed!
The new mythical that’s been appearing in Pokémon GO has a name and mythical status!
The new mythical that’s been appearing in Pokémon GO has a name and mythical status!
Mega Evolutions are back in, and Lt. Surge has also been featured. However, nothing is known about new Mega Evolutions yet.
Only one guess for how Electrode follows you around.
The official Japanese Pokémon news account has posted clips of how to interact with the games’ titular Pokémon.
Pokémon Quest is a mobile and Switch title, while Pokémon Let’s Go is based on Pokémon Yellow and releases for Switch on the 16th of November.
Reportedly for the Nintendo Switch and set in Kanto, including some connectivity with Pokémon GO. We’ll update when there’s official confirmation!