6,000 Gems given out as compensation
Pokémon Masters is giving out 6,000 Gems as compensation for incorrect item descriptions for the items Dire Hit and Dire Hit All.
Pokémon Masters is giving out 6,000 Gems as compensation for incorrect item descriptions for the items Dire Hit and Dire Hit All.
It’ll last 40 minutes and cover other Nintendo titles as well.
The strategy guide is available to preorder and spans 352 pages.
Get ready for more information regarding Sword and Shield to be revealed this Wednesday, August 7th!
Lotad, Castform and many more weather-based Pokémon to be expected in this upcoming Research task!
Giratina comes back to Pokémon GO for Round 2, bringing both of its Formes this time!
Pokémon Quest is a mobile and Switch title, while Pokémon Let’s Go is based on Pokémon Yellow and releases for Switch on the 16th of November.
Official Twitter accounts have confirmed we want to be paying attention to this one. Check back for updates!
Are we finally going to get the game outside of Japan?
New information has come out for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon. Check it out here!