Pokémon Legends: Arceus soundtrack now on Nintendo Music app
That’s over 100 tracks featuring Jubilife Village, Eterna Forest, and even the theme of being chased by an angry Paras!
That’s over 100 tracks featuring Jubilife Village, Eterna Forest, and even the theme of being chased by an angry Paras!
The twentieth and final song in Project Voltage has released with over two million views! Produced by Kanaria, this song is rich with Easter eggs – let’s explore them!
While a majority of the Project Voltage songs primarily focus on aspects of the Kanto Region, these next four songs are focused around some of the other regions, the tunes sampled might even make the listener nostalgic.
While the Project Voltage songs are full of musical Easter eggs, the next songs are very attentive to details of many aspects of the Pokémon games. We point out these examples in this list!
The next four songs within Project Voltage are both easter egg heavy and rich on storytelling alike. Find out what songs are referenced here!
There were eighteen Project VOLTAGE songs in total, and almost all of them reference and sample Pokémon game themes. We point out the references made in some of these songs!
For the anniversary of the release of Pokémon Black and White, we release our tribute to the games. Part I focuses on gameplay and other mechanics, as well as their themes.
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews MrSinger186, lead musician in Pokémon Insurgence!
The next musical offering in generation eight titles gets listened to several times by one man – so what are his two cents?
It’s in Japanese, although we’ve gleaned some information from translations. There’s also new music to check out!