Final Mega Stones released for Pokémon Sun and Moon
You can finally get the Mega evolutions for Latias, Latios, Ampharos and Altaria!
You can finally get the Mega evolutions for Latias, Latios, Ampharos and Altaria!
Mega Stones for Aggron, Tyranitar, Abomasnow and Manectric are available through a serial code.
You’ll need to use Pokémon with at least five weaknesses! Register now for the competition start of the 28th of July.
Get the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters, Banette and Camerupt via serial code now!
Use Pokémon smaller than a metre in height to wreck havoc! Meanwhile, if you participated in the last competition, you can claim your Hoenn Starters Mega Stones!
You can download Mega Stones for Houndoom, Steelix, Pidgeot and Heracross right now!
Championship Points can be won! Participants can also claim the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters!
You’ll be able to get your hands on Mawile and Beedrill’s Mega Stones in generation 7 by participating in an upcoming online competition!
Read here on where to find the Z-Crystals here!