Pokémon Presents announces Snap sequel, Mega Evolutions in GO
Although it was mostly news on mobile games, we did receive some particularly exciting announcements as well. What do you think?
Although it was mostly news on mobile games, we did receive some particularly exciting announcements as well. What do you think?
You can finally get the Mega evolutions for Latias, Latios, Ampharos and Altaria!
The Mega Stones for Lopunny, Gallade, and Gardevoir are available for download!
New Battle Spot Special Battle rules and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week
It seems you can get Mega Stones without participating in online competitions! However, you may still want to sign up for the February competition – registration starts soon.
The next edition of the Make-a-Mega series tackles a levitating lump of gas – Weezing gets a Mega revamp by the PokéCommunity!
We’ve made up a mega evolution of our own for Roserade – image, stats and all!