Shiny Solgaleo and Shiny Lunala events announced
Red giants and blood moons crash into Alola starting in October! Think you’ve got what it takes?
Red giants and blood moons crash into Alola starting in October! Think you’ve got what it takes?
Find out what Pokémon can be caught in Wormholes in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon! There’s a way to find Shiny Pokémon through Ultra Ride too!
CoroCoro leak this month reveals Necrozma’s Solgaleo form, “Necrozma Mane of Twilight”, and Lunala’s form, “Necrozma Wings of Dawn”, with their respective Pokémon’s signature moves.
Learn about Necrozma and see how it fits in with the new forms for Solgaleo and Lunala! What can we expect from Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Let the cuteness ensue! New merchandise themed around Lillie, Gladion, and Lusamine has been announced for an upcoming release at Pokémon Centers in Japan.
A heads up to avoid parts of the Internet if you want to to keep things secret. We summarise known stats and move information and source these leaks.
Read up on the exciting new information regarding the mythical and legendary Pokémon of the Alola region. Just what is a Tapu Koko?
All seven new Pokemon that are based on animals are linked. These animals are all endangered – or in the case of one of them, extinct.
The new Pokémon Sun and Moon mascots had their typing recently confirmed. We dig around to try and make sense of the surprising allocations they received.
The official Pokémon Sun and Moon website and YouTube channel reveals today’s information.