May 31, 2023, 11:56 AM

Irida and Adaman debut in Pokémon Masters EX with missing text
Glaceon and Leafeon debut alongside the first pair to make it out of Hisui and onto the mobile title – but they are a bit tongue-tied…
Glaceon and Leafeon debut alongside the first pair to make it out of Hisui and onto the mobile title – but they are a bit tongue-tied…
We now have a total of seven nicknames that can be used for evolving Eevee into your Eeveelution of choice. Shellos forms are now regional as well.
New Lure items are the key to the location-based evolution Pokémon! Details for the Detective Pikachu Movie event have also been unearthed by a dataminer.
A review of the Ultra Prism TCG set, in which Sinnoh probably isn’t confirmed, Dialga manipulates time, and Metal-types exist.