December 5, 2017, 5:51 PM

Gen 3 Spotted on Pokémon GO Image in Apple Watch Store!
Could we be seeing more Pokémon from Hoenn coming to the Pokémon GO world sooner than we thought?
Could we be seeing more Pokémon from Hoenn coming to the Pokémon GO world sooner than we thought?
Reader, beware: you’re in for a Never-Ending Nightmare.
Get the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters, Banette and Camerupt via serial code now!
Check out Kostas’ review of the anime as we relive the last 20 years!
If you find yourself traveling back to Hoenn, be sure to keep this guide to the local husbands handy!
Continuing 20 Memories of #Pokemon20, we move back to recounts from the earlier Hoenn games on the Game Boy Advance (GBA).