October 3, 2019, 3:01 PM

Game Informer withdraws news about number of Gyms in Sword and Shield
It’s probably not 18 Gyms each version after all…
It’s probably not 18 Gyms each version after all…
The game has been updated to version 0.69.0 for Android devices, 1.39.0 for Apple devices. Updated with datamine information!
More Gyms have popped up worldwide! You’ll have to wait for the update to come out before using them however.
An interview with Niantic CEO John Hanke reveals further plans for the Pokémon GO app.
Now you can bring along six Pokemon to help the growth of friendly Gyms around you!
Find out the basics of Pokémon GO, including how to quickly get to level 5 and get into the Teams and Gym battles!
Customisation, battles, and PokéCoins! It also seems we’ll start out with the first generation Pokémon in Pokémon GO.
Find out more on the upcoming Pokémon Go Game.