Pokémon Sun and Moon Item Locations
Find out where to find all sorts of items in Pokémon Sun and Moon, from evolution stones to fossils!
Find out where to find all sorts of items in Pokémon Sun and Moon, from evolution stones to fossils!
Find out about all the new Abilities, what’s changed with the old ones, and how useful each one may prove to be in competitive battling!
Find out how to make use of the QR Scanner in Pokémon Sun and Moon, and find rare Pokémon such as the Johto and Unova Starters!
Learn how to make the most out of the Festival Plaza!
Find where all the Pokémon are in Pokémon Sun and Moon, how to evolve them, what their Abilities and Base Stats are, and more!
Read here on where to find the Z-Crystals here!
Find out where all the TMs are in Pokémon Sun and Moon!
For both new and experienced players, Pokémon Sun and Moon introduce many significant, most welcome changes to the gameplay and the formula. Check out Daily’s extensive review on what’s new.
The website also updated to give us additional information on Alolan Dugtrio – plus Status Z-Moves and art of a new Pokémon!
We learn about new Ultra Beasts in Sun and Moon, and another mysterious Pokémon…