May 31, 2023, 11:56 AM

Irida and Adaman debut in Pokémon Masters EX with missing text
Glaceon and Leafeon debut alongside the first pair to make it out of Hisui and onto the mobile title – but they are a bit tongue-tied…
Glaceon and Leafeon debut alongside the first pair to make it out of Hisui and onto the mobile title – but they are a bit tongue-tied…
You can ensure your OHKO attacks will always hit! Now that’s cold… Sheer Cold.
Your Shiny Red Gyarados will remain shiny when transported to Bank! More updates may be needed before the second generation games are released for 3DS however.
You can now view how many people are going to enter a Raid without having to spend the Raid Pass!
On the coming end of a news conference soon for Pokémon Sun and Moon, new Pokémon are suddenly leaked.