April 1, 2019, 7:53 AM

Pulling the wool over your eyes – Fluffing up in OU
Dominating the OU ladder and pulling the wool over his opposition’s eyes, Rabinov shares his secrets; expect lots of fluff!
Dominating the OU ladder and pulling the wool over his opposition’s eyes, Rabinov shares his secrets; expect lots of fluff!
Don’t get too hyped – generation eight is probably not yet confirmed. Pokémon GO will celebrate Kanto, while Ampharos gains a Dragon Move.
Baa baa, Mareep, have you purple wool?
You can finally get the Mega evolutions for Latias, Latios, Ampharos and Altaria!
You’ll need to use Pokémon with at least five weaknesses! Register now for the competition start of the 28th of July.