How to Cap your Bottle: A Hyper Training Guide
Come learn who, what, when, where, why, AND how to Hyper Train in the newest Pokémon games! All in the same glorious FAQ!
Come learn who, what, when, where, why, AND how to Hyper Train in the newest Pokémon games! All in the same glorious FAQ!
Watch some epic Battle Royals from the PokéCommunity Livestream while listening to the players maliciously laugh at each other.
169 songs from the new Pokémon Sun and Moon games are now ready to listen to!
Nintendo will announce a new character for the arcade version of Pokkén Tournament soon.
In which Liepard is way stronger than it should be, Drayden is even more of a boss than usual, and Colress has a magical floating boat with ice cannons.
Watch Tara play Pokémon Moon!
In which Brycen becomes a karate master, Elesa’s zebra mount is turned into a weapon, and Burgh is… Well… Burgh.
In which Buck is even more annoying than usual, Looker is a boss, and Croagunk somehow does more damage to Heatran than Claydol.
Should you buy a digital or physical copy of the next Pokémon games?
In which Cyrus is punished for his sins, Giratina remains awesome, and the Galactic Commanders are cute.