Lavender Town shown off in Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee trailer
Hear the newest version of the Lavender Town theme!
A new trailer has been released for the upcoming Nintendo Switch titles, Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. It features the iconic Lavender Town theme and Pokémon Tower. Check it out in the tweet below!
Trick or Treat
シオンタウンで、すてきなハロウィンを……ピカブイ #ハロウィン #Halloween #TrickorTreat
— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) October 30, 2018
The question remains on if Cubone still has a missing mother, poor thing. It appears that dialogue shown here is at least similar to early Kanto games; translations are as follows.
“Do you think ghosts exist?”
“Evil spirit! …..uwah! eghe… heheh…!”
“Heehee… hee… heee! ………hee heehee……. heehee!”
“There’s a white hand on your right shoulder………. oh, nevermind, must have been a trick of the light.”
What do you think of the newest rendition of Lavender Town’s theme?
Thanks to Cherrim for translations.