September 21, 2020, 11:08 AM

Competitive Concepts: Terrain
We’ve discussed weather, now let’s look at how terrain is shaping competitive Pokémon metagames.
We’ve discussed weather, now let’s look at how terrain is shaping competitive Pokémon metagames.
Learn about the impact of weather conditions on competitive Pokémon.
It’s not all bad with Pokémon Sword and Shield, with some nice areas and aspects – but ultimately, graphics is not a strong point of Galar.
Lotad, Castform and many more weather-based Pokémon to be expected in this upcoming Research task!
The maximum storage is increased to 1,500, and everyone gets a free upgrade by 50 spaces! The developers discuss the weather and Battle Party features as well.
Battle parties and a change to how you use Charge Attacks are already in place! A new item also seems to increase Stardust.