October 16, 2018, 11:21 AM

First wave of generation four Pokémon added to GO
The Sinnoh Starters and more common Pokémon have been added! Shinx can be found as a Shiny too.
The Sinnoh Starters and more common Pokémon have been added! Shinx can be found as a Shiny too.
Sinnoh confirmed! …Well, for GO. Furthermore, migration, weather effects and battle mechanics are set to change!
A review of the Ultra Prism TCG set, in which Sinnoh probably isn’t confirmed, Dialga manipulates time, and Metal-types exist.
We summarise the new cards. It’s a lot of Sinnoh for a Ultra Sun and Moon set… What are The Pokémon Company promoting here?
A new trump card will be revealed on the 15th of November. A trailer has also been released of the Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX cards.
Check out Kostas’ review of the anime as we relive the last 20 years!