[Updated] Catch Combos in Pokémon Let’s Go
Find out what combo to aim for to maximise the chance for that perfect Shiny Pokémon!
Find out what combo to aim for to maximise the chance for that perfect Shiny Pokémon!
Participating in the upcoming 2018 International Challenge November is the only way for players to obtain an alternate-colored Tapu Lele.
As usual, Niantic have not announced all the bonuses for the event beforehand.
Like last time, it has a chance to be Shiny.
European and Australian players get it via the Nintendo Network, but others will need to get a code from their local store.
And this time it’s no mistake – Ho-Oh is here for almost three weeks!
It’s set to start March the 22nd, and features rare Pokémon in 2 km Eggs, extra Candy from hatches, and double Stardust! New Shiny Pokémon can be hatched too.
Wanting to farm for Shiny Pokémon in generation 2? Learn about all the Shiny Pokémon you can obtain in Gold, Silver and Crystal, and how to breed others!
Multiple people have reported catching a Shiny Pikachu in the first hour of the event.
Both Absol and Mawile are new Raid Bosses in the game as well.