Pokémon Scarlet and Violet previews released
We got confirmation that Shiny Pokémon can appear in the overworld! But some say performance could be better…
We got confirmation that Shiny Pokémon can appear in the overworld! But some say performance could be better…
Gathering items seems to be a key aspect, and you can distract wild Pokémon with Berries. NPCs can also make requests.
Just how worried should you be about single-use TMs returning or an Exp. Share that remains on forever? We go over that and more from a hands-off preview.
The creator and composer of Undertale was asked to compose a track, and it’s turned out pretty well!
Shorter tutorials, more on the Wild Area, and a few graphical mishaps. We summarise all the findings here!
A review of SM Guardians Rising, in which everything gets a reprint, Tapu Lele GX is the new Shaymin EX, and an old friend returns from the dead to haunt TCG veterans.
Preview trailer to air at 7 am PT or 10 am ET October the 20th.
Learn about the contents, goodies and secrets in store in the Pokémon Sun and Moon demo!