Shiny Shuppet finally released in Pokémon GO
Another shiny Ghost-Type has appeared in Pokémon GO!
Another shiny Ghost-Type has appeared in Pokémon GO!
Suicune is in the Americas, Raikou in Europe, and Asian and Pacific nations have Entei.
More shiny Pokémon have been discovered in Pokémon GO. Read about it here!
Pokémon GO treats players to some new shiny Pokémon!
Are any of the Ghost types worth their salt in battle? And should you use Pinap Berries on any? Find out here!
All new Pokémon are arriving for Pokémon GO’s Halloween event!
A witch hat has appeared – and further hints about generation three Pokémon as well.
A Lavender Town night theme tune has been found by dataminers and is set to be used in the Halloween event. But are generation three Pokémon coming soon?
Pokémon GO has a photo contest!
Raid Battle Lobby bugs have also been fixed, and some further additions for the release of generation 3 Pokémon has been datamined.