January 4, 2022, 10:31 AM

Easier ways to find Feebas, Munchlax and more in BDSP
Some of these others are not so obvious to find. We highlight sites other skilled Trainers have created to help you hunt these Pokemon!
Some of these others are not so obvious to find. We highlight sites other skilled Trainers have created to help you hunt these Pokemon!
It features Shiny Delibird, new generation four Pokémon, and free Incubators! Meanwhile, Lugia and Ho-Oh appear in Raids this weekend.
December 5th is the day. You can already pick up a special Munchlax via Mystery Gift today! Be sure to get all the gifts available.
We also get a Munchlax event with a special Z-Move and a special Sun and Moon themed 2DS. Check here for trailers and a recap!