September 10, 2018, 12:52 PM

Special Pokémon: Let’s Go Nintendo Switch bundle announced
It comes with one of the games pre-installed and a Poké Ball Plus.
It comes with one of the games pre-installed and a Poké Ball Plus.
Art for Gym Leader Erika is included, and we have a peek of the Game Corner!
New moves for your partner Pikachu or Eevee, both for battles and for the field.
Pikachu is examined as Viridian Forest’s theme plays.
The S.S. Anne sure looks fancy now! But the dreaded rubbish bins have also come back…
Mega Evolutions are back in, and Lt. Surge has also been featured. However, nothing is known about new Mega Evolutions yet.
Only one guess for how Electrode follows you around.
The game is already only four months away from release!
A playable demo of the game is also available at E3!