New bonus content if you have Pokémon Let’s Go or Sword and Shield save data
You can get bonus content for having Pokemon Sword/Sword, and Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee save data.
You can get bonus content for having Pokemon Sword/Sword, and Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee save data.
If battles make up the main part of the Pokémon games, how can they be made to look better? Pokémon Sword and Shield fall short – we discuss how, and compare to other Pokémon titles.
New Pokémon games are a great, yet different experience for all but the advanced battler. Both the games and the Poké Ball Plus are great complements to GO, too. Check out our extensive review on what’s different in Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!
The newest trailer has confirmed their presence, as well as more of the Gym Leader and Elite Four roster.
He’s been directing Pokémon titles since Ruby and Sapphire, and wants the younger generation to step up in future.
Prepare to be the best Magikarp Master, the best there ever was.
Eevee themed items and outfits are on offer for players in the Nintendo Mobile app!
Is it an evolution, or something more? Either way, Meltan messing about in your house is cute.
Calling all Pokémon trainers: demos of Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are headed to select locations across North America!
The new mythical that’s been appearing in Pokémon GO has a name and mythical status!