Pecharunt’s tale is a welcome return to Pokémon storytelling
Mythical events have been rather lacking in recent previous generations. We review them to highlight how nice it is to see Pecharunt’s story!
Mythical events have been rather lacking in recent previous generations. We review them to highlight how nice it is to see Pecharunt’s story!
There’s two different giveaways – find out the details!
Xerneas, the Life Pokémon, will make its Pokémon GO debut during the Luminous Legends X event, while Yveltal, the Destruction Pokémon, will be making its Pokémon GO debut during the Luminous Legends Y event.
It appears you’ll need to go into a store to access a serial code.
You have little over a day to claim it – get to it today! Available worldwide.
Zeraora joins the fight in Pokémon Sword and Shield in the form of a Dynamax Raid! This guide should give a few ideas on how to down the elusive Thunderclap Pokémon quickly and efficiently.
Need a last-minute clear in Super Hard in the Giovanni event? Maybe this guide can help—no scouting required!
It’s time to go mining!
Make friends and receive bigger bonuses than ever before on Pokémon GO this weekend!
Participating in the upcoming 2018 International Challenge November is the only way for players to obtain an alternate-colored Tapu Lele.