New trailer for upcoming anime series released
A brand-new trailer has been revealed!
For your latest Pokémon news from across the globe.
A brand-new trailer has been revealed!
It’s in Japanese, but there’s a lot to look at nonetheless.
More previous-generation Pokémon are shown to be available in Sword and Shield!
A certain pony sure proved popular amongst the PokéCommunity artists. Check out all the fine works within!
It’s time to go mining!
Shorter tutorials, more on the Wild Area, and a few graphical mishaps. We summarise all the findings here!
Plans to increase free gems, event improvements, and more are detailed in the latest letter from the producers.
It’ll launch early November for mobile devices, Macs, and PCs.
Two new Gigantamax Pokémon have been announced, and we have some details on the ones revealed earlier!
Four new Gigantamaxed Pokémon are revealed!