[Updated] Generation Five Pokémon in Pokémon GO – Stats, Candy Cost and more
FInd out what are the strongest Pokémon to be added, and how much Candy you’ll need to save!
Hand-picked, comprehensive guides to the Pokémon franchise.
FInd out what are the strongest Pokémon to be added, and how much Candy you’ll need to save!
How the Masters micro-transactions work, how to obtain Sync Pairs, and a list of who we have seen thus far.
We now have a total of seven nicknames that can be used for evolving Eevee into your Eeveelution of choice. Shellos forms are now regional as well.
Learn how to progress quickly in Pokémon Rumble Rush! How to use Gears and which Ore you should refine is covered here.
Find out how to control Natures and check the individual values of your Pokémon!
Find out what combo to aim for to maximise the chance for that perfect Shiny Pokémon!
Find out where you can catch all the Kanto Pokémon and evolve them in Let’s Go!
Wanting to farm for Shiny Pokémon in generation 2? Learn about all the Shiny Pokémon you can obtain in Gold, Silver and Crystal, and how to breed others!
Once you’ve purchased your copy of Crystal and defeated the Elite Four, learn where to find the GS Ball and battle Celebi.
Find out all the additions and changes Pokémon Crystal offers compared to Gold and Silver!