May 14, 2024, 9:51 AM

Interview with Doctor Gardevoir
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Doctor Gardevoir, Head of Level 30 Psychiatry office!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Doctor Gardevoir, Head of Level 30 Psychiatry office!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews MrSinger186, lead musician in Pokémon Insurgence!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Darren, the creator of the Johto Times newsletter!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Amethyst, creator of Pokémon Reborn!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Confused Piplup, moderator of PokéCommunity Daily, The Clubhouse and Pokémon Switch Games!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews another PokéCommunity member: Yume Tsuki, a Froslass and an artist!
Fact Checking Gardevoir interviews Fairy about her origins and her job!