Aaron takes on Showdown – Week One
Aaron from PokéCommunity takes on the Pokémon Showdown ladder…with a twist!
Welcome to the first article in an ongoing series in which I – Aaron from PokéCommunity – will be taking on Pokemon Showdown’s ladder. With a twist.
I will be using teams which I have not constructed in any way, shape or form.
But wait, you’re just stealing teams from places like Smogon and battling with them? No fun!
Fear not! This is not the case at all. All members of my team are in fact decided entirely by PokeCommunity! You submit whatever Pokémon you want me to use – serious or funny! – into this thread. I will then make a team of 6 minimum to use and take to Pokémon Showdown’s ladder for that week.
After that, I summarise how that week went in an article such as this one. So with that in mind, let’s get started!
Firstly, here are the team members I used:
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Mesprit |
Held Item | Leftovers |
Ability | Levitate |
EVs | 216 HP / 40 Atk / 252 SpD |
Nature | Careful (+SpD, -SAtk) |
Moves |
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Clefable |
Held Item | Leftovers |
Ability | Magic Guard |
EVs | 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD |
Nature | Calm (+SpD, -Atk) |
Moves |
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Miltank |
Held Item | Lum Berry |
Ability | Scrappy |
EVs | 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe |
Nature | Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk) |
Moves |
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Landorus-Therian |
Held Item | Leftovers |
Ability | Intimidate |
EVs | 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe |
Nature | Timid (+Spe, -Atk) |
Moves |
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Dunsparce |
Held Item | Leftovers |
Ability | Serene Grace |
EVs | 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA |
Nature | Brave (+Atk, -Spe) |
Moves |
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Sylveon |
Held Item | Choice Band |
Ability | Pixilate |
EVs | 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD |
Nature | Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk) |
Moves |
What a great team. I was extremely excited to try this out on the ladder. Oh how optimistic I was. Surely if I’m using the likes Whitney’s Miltank and the legendary ParaFlinch Dunsparce I’m going to win, right?! WRONG.
After a really great first round in which Calm Mind Landorus-Therian managed to cause a ragequit, it went downhill from there and very fast. We managed to get in some very nice plays and some nice kills, but generally speaking Mega Beedrill and Ash-Greninja are huge roadblocks for this current setup and I feel they will be a common problem throughout this series.
MVP goes to Landorus-Therian (thank you user Choice Specs for this one), who managed 6 takedowns; the SubCM set actually proved to be very handy at times with the -1 from Intimidate giving many opportunities for a free Substitute or Calm Mind.
Just a short one this time as not much laddering was done, however submissions for Week 2 are now underway. Make sure to come and give me your craziest Arcanine set in the “Aaron takes on Showdown!” thread.
This week’s W/L record: 1W 3L
Total W/L record: 1W 3L
Replay links:
Edited by bobandbill, ddrox13 and Jake.