April 2017 International Challenge sign-ups begin
Championship Points can be won! Participants can also claim the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters!
Registration for the 2017 International April Online Competition has started. This competition is in the Pokémon Video Game Championship (VGC) format, and Championship Points can be won!
If you participate in three battles (or more), you can also earn the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters: Sceptilite (Sceptile), Blazikenite (Blaziken) and Swampertite (Swampert). You may be able to get these if you don’t participate – however you may have to wait some months instead, like with other Mega Stones recently released.
To register, log on to your account from the PGL homepage and select Online Competitions in the main menu. You’ll then be able to read and accept the regulations on the PGL. You’ll need a Pokémon Trainer Club account, your own Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon video game, and a Battle Team of eligible Pokémon. Accept the regulations on the Pokémon Global Link by Thursday, April 27, at 23:59 UTC, and get ready to battle!
The competition goes from Friday, April 28, at 00:00 UTC, until Sunday, April 30, 2017, at 23:59 UTC.
To practice battling for the 2017 International Challenge April Online Competition, go to Festival Plaza in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon, select Battle, and then Download Rules. You can then select the 2017 Championship Series regulations as the rules when you battle with your friends in Festival Plaza or via Quick Link.
Are you going to give the competition a go?