Pokémon Sun and Moon Item Locations
Find out where to find all sorts of items in Pokémon Sun and Moon, from evolution stones to fossils!
Now that Pokémon Sun and Moon are out, we’ve compiled guides for all those items to find in the game! Need that specific TM to give your Pokémon the competitive edge? Missing on a Zygarde Core or Cell? Mega Stones eluding you? We have you covered!
Item Locations
Use this list below to find out where all the evolution items, Fossils, specific Poké Balls, Mega Stones and just the generally useful items can be found! We’ve refrained from listing common or less useful items such as X Attacks. Check here for Z-Crystal locations.
Useful Hold Items
Air Balloon: Malie Garden; answer the quiz of the girl at the north end during the day.
Amulet Coin: Akala Island, outside the Pokémon Nursery.
Adamant Orb: Shop in Hau’oli City, postgame ($10,000).
Assault Vest: Battle Tree shop (48 BP).
BrightPowder: Royal Avenue Shop (48 BP); held by traded Bouncee (Route 5 Pokémon Centre).
Blue Orb: Shop in Hau’oli City, postgame ($10,000).
Choice Band: Battle Tree shop (48 BP). Post game.
Choice Scarf: Battle Tree shop (48 BP).
Choice Specs: Battle Tree shop (48 BP).
Destiny Knot: Royal Avenue shop.
Everstone: Hau’oli City – Ilima’s house (after the first trial is beaten; battle required).
Eviolite: Konikoni City, behind bench next to the three Pikachu.
Expert Belt: Seaward Cave (requires Tauros).

Flame Orb: Ula’ula Meadow – defeat all trainers.
Focus Sash: Poni Wilds.
Griseous Orb: Shop in Hau’oli City, postgame ($10,000).
Leftovers: Royal Avenue shop (48 BP).
Lucky Egg: Route 1; Professor Kukui’s lab post-game if you have 50 Pokémon caught in the Pokédex.
Lustrous Orb: Shop in Hau’oli City, postgame ($10,000).
Power [Item]: E.g. Power Anklet, Power Band, etc; for Effort Value (EV) training. Royal Avenue shop (16 BP).
Quick Claw: Route 1 – girl in the Trainer School building.
Red Card: Defeat all trainers on Route 3.
Red Orb: Shop in Hau’oli City, postgame ($10,000).
Soothe Bell: Route 3 (man on east side near grass).
Soul Dew: Aether Paradise from an employee. Now boosts Dragon and Psychic type attacks by 20%, not Special Stats by 1.5.
Terrain Extender: Battle Tree shop (48 BP).
[Type] Memory: E.g. Fire Memory, etc; for Type: Null line. Received at Aether Paradise.
Evolution Items
Some of these items can be found as Held Items on wild Pokémon.

Dawn Stone: Hau’oli City (defeat Guzma postgame), Poké Pelago
Deep Sea Scale/Tooth: Battle Tree shop (32 BP)
Dragon Scale: Battle Tree shop (32 BP)
Dawn Stone: Poni Wilds, Poké Pelago
Electirizer: Seafolk Village, Battle Tree shop (32 BP)
Fire Stone: Diglett’s Tunnel, Poke Pelago, Konikoni City’s jewelry shop ($3,000)
Ice Stone: Po Town, Poké Pelago
King’s Rock: Route 1 (postgame – defeat Principal Asuka), Battle Tree shop (32 BP)

Leaf Stone: Konikoni City, Poké Pelago, Konikoni City’s jewelry shop ($3,000)
Magmariser: Seafolk Village, Battle Tree shop (32 BP)
Moon Stone: Route 13, near the pond
Oval Stone: Paniola Ranch
Shiny Stone: Ancient Poni Path, Poké Pelago
Sun Stone: Blush Mountain, Poké Pelago
Thunderstone: Route 8, Konikoni City’s jewelry shop ($3,000)
Upgrade: Aether House, Battle Tree shop (32 BP)
Water Stone: Route 8, Konikoni City’s jewelry shop ($3,000)
Mega Stones

All Mega Stones in the game – bar the Alakazite – can only be bought in the Battle Tree for 64 BP each. Alakazite is also given to you by Sina and Dexio on Ancient Poni Path after you become the Champion.
Furthermore, you can only currently find 16 of the 47 Mega Stones. You can buy the following:
Absolite, Aerodactylite, Alakazite, Garchompite, Gengarite, Glalitite, Gyaradosite, Kangaskhanite, Lucarionite, Metagrossite, Pinsirite, Sablnite, Salamencite, Scizorite, Sharpedonite, and Slowbronite.
Note that you can only select one of the two available for your game’s version!
Cover Fossil: Konikoni City’s jewelry shop (7,000 – Sun only)
Skull Fossil: Konikoni City’s jewelry shop (7,000 – Sun only)
Plume Fossil: Konikoni City’s jewelry shop (7,000 – Moon only)
Shell Fossil: Konikoni City’s jewelry shop (7,000 – Moon only)
Poké Balls
Route 8’s shop in the Pokémon Centre is your best bet for the better Poké Balls. Paniola Town is also worthy of mention. Great Balls can be bought from any main shop after defeating the first trial, and Ultra Balls after defeating the fourth. You can get various Apricorn Balls from Samson Oak (the “Alolan Oak”) across the Alola region.
Beast Ball: Route 2, Route 8, Route 13, Aether Paradise, Seafolk Village (post game).
Dive Ball: Route 8 shop
Dusk Ball: Route 8 shop
Master Ball: Aether Paradise, Hau’oli City, Festival Plaza (rare)
Net Ball: Paniola Town shop
Quick Ball: Route 8 shop
Repeat Ball: Paniola Town shop
TImer Ball: Paniola Town shop
Bottle Cap: Battle Tree (30 straight wins), Poni Gauntlet, Seafolk Village, Festival Plaza (e.g. Lottery Shop), Fishing (rare)

Gold Bottle Cap: Festival Plaza (Lottery Shop; rare)
Fishing Rod: Akala Island, after beating Totem Wishiwashi
EXP Share: Professor Kukui gives to you early in the game
Oval Charm: Increases chance of Eggs being obtained from the Nursery. Heahea City; defeat Morimoto in Game Freak office after battle.
Shiny Charm: Increases chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon. Game Director in Game Freak office in Heahea City after completing Alola Pokédex.
DNA Splicers: For Kyurem forms. In Aether Paradise from an employee.
Key Stone: For Mega Evolution. Ancient Poni Path after becoming the champion.
Have more information on the above items or others worth finding? Let us know in the comments!
Written by bobandbill, colours, Dragon, gimmepie, Lycanthropy and tokyodrift.