Pokémon Sun/Moon NicoNico Highlights
Highlights of the NicoNico stream courtesy of our YouTube team! Check it out now!
Hello, PokéCommunity!
Now you are probably very much aware that earlier today, NicoNico streamed some gameplay of the new Pokémon games Sun and Moon. Hopefully you’ve read our article which summarised the stream’s contents.
Ah, but we have more! Over on YouTube we have also pieced together the highlights from the NicoNico stream for you! Nice and convenient if you missed the stream earlier, and either can’t access it or don’t have the time to view the entire thing. Have a look below!
So, what do you think? Getting excited for Sun & Moon? Because I know we are!
Let us know what you think in the comments below and, as always, if you have any content you feel we have missed, then hit us up straight away!
PokéCommunity YouTube Channel
Niconico stream summary article
Edited by 5qwerty, Achromatic and bobandbill.
Video content by Achromatic.