Opinions and Stories

Colourful Thoughts: The future of Pokémon gaming

With the reveal of the Nintendo Switch, what does this say about Pokémon games released after Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon? colours finds out from the community!

Nintendo has done it, everyone! After many, many months of keeping the console “under wraps” as it were, and with no one having the faintest idea of what the NX is supposed to be, it has finally as of this past Thursday been revealed as the Nintendo Switch! Logically, this does lead to many questions from the gaming fanbase: Is there a possibility that Game Freak might be on board and start making main series games for the NX? What is the future of Pokémon gaming? This is precisely what I’m going to ask the many members of the PokéCommunity and gather their thoughts on!

It’s worth noting that The Pokémon Company has confirmed their support for the Nintendo Switch, but since they are a publisher and not a developer, it’s up to interpretation whether or not they’re going to partner with Game Freak or another company to produce Pokémon games for the Nintendo Switch.

At any rate, let us start with PC members’ thoughts on what they think the future of Pokemon gaming will be! For each of these members, I asked this question:

“So what do you think the future of Pokémon gaming would be like, now that the Switch is revealed? Do you think our next Pokémon games would be on the Switch?”


100%. They’ll either make a portable only Switch to replace the 3DS or just move all versions to the main Switch, but I have no doubt you’ll be able to play on the big screen in some capacity. They’re evolving the series and staying solely on tiny screens doesn’t really fit with that too well, despite it working and being a staple mark. So the balance between the big and small screen would be nice and I’m certain they’ll utilise this.




Seeing as how it is both a handheld console and an actual console, I could see the future Pokémon games being released on the NS from now on – as well as any normal console games Nintendo would have (like Zelda, for example). I don’t know too much though since I don’t keep too close of tabs on this sort of stuff

For all I know, Nintendo may aim to keep their handheld games on the 3DS until a new replacement for the 3DS comes (assuming the NS doesn’t replace both the 3DS and Wii U together)



I don’t think they’ll do a main series Pokémon game because they have the N3DS still for that, but perhaps there will be some connectivity functions where people can still connect to battle and trade with each other. If that’s not the case, I’d love to see some sort of Adventure-heavy Pokémon styled game sort of like Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD. That’d be cool to see again!



It’s actually hard to say at this point. I’m mostly thinking no because we’re still a month away from the release of Sun and Moon, the very first set of games for the seventh generation. Game Freak aren’t too keen on releasing games of the same generations on two separate consoles and I think the fifth generation is a prime example of that. We saw how Black 2/White 2 were released for the Nintendo DS despite the 3DS being out for well over a year. I guess it all depends on the length of the current generation and how compatible the 3DS will be with the Switch.



If this were a regular Nintendo console I would probably say no, since mobile consoles have always been Pokémon’s home, but since the Switch heavily focuses on portability, it’s entirely possible we’ll see some Pokémon games for it!

It’s an interesting future.


Nick Wilde

Now personally I’d like it to revive games such as Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD now we have a much larger Pokédex than before and a much better console to play it on. HOWEVER that portable aspect of it means that the franchise could start expanding on new Pokémon games (and of course a Snap sequel but we know how that is going to end up…) AND host the upcoming Gen 8 games. Also with a more powerful console to boot it may mean even house more great features for the upcoming games.

Although we still have the DS to consider, so despite what I want it to do I think the new mainstream titles will still be on the DS and not move over to the Switch. That’s potentially a big financial loss on Nintendo’s part if they do.

Nick Wilde


As you can see, there are various views on whether or not Game Freak is intending to release their next set of Pokémon games on their newest console. One thing is for sure though: it’ll mark quite the drastic change in Pokémon gaming the moment a game for the main series is released on a home console instead of a handheld. Can you imagine what that experience would be like?

Edited by Dragon and Nick Wilde.