July 18, 2019, 7:53 PM

New Characters, Sync Pairs, and Sygna Suits Revealed for Pokémon Masters
Co-op, Unity Attacks, Sygna Suits, and more have been revealed for Masters.
Co-op, Unity Attacks, Sygna Suits, and more have been revealed for Masters.
A new host of characters for GO players to defeat have appeared! A few old Raid Bosses have remained – see who made the cut.
Check out our guide on who to power up with Stardust and Candy for Legendary Raid Battles!
Mega Stones for Aggron, Tyranitar, Abomasnow and Manectric are available through a serial code.
Learn all there is to know about Raid Battles in Pokémon GO, along with some tips on winning!