October 6, 2016, 5:38 PM

New Pokémon Sun and Moon Anime trailer
Ash visits the Alola region not just with Pikachu, but with family! Watch the trailer here.
Ash visits the Alola region not just with Pikachu, but with family! Watch the trailer here.
colours asks the community to see whether or not the Gen VI games are worth your time and money in the midst of Pokémon Sun and Moon hype!
Today’s news brings a new trailer! New Pokemon, Rockruff’s Evolutions, Trainer Customisation and Z-Moves feature today.
The Internet looks to get the controversial gorilla into the Pokémon franchise.
The first E3 Pokémon event of three shows off more on the upcoming Sun and Moon games.
Learn about the brand new Starter Pokémon of Pokémon Sun and Moon: Rowlet, Litten and Popplio!