March 6, 2024, 11:23 AM

Part I: The Components of Unova
For the anniversary of the release of Pokémon Black and White, we release our tribute to the games. Part I focuses on gameplay and other mechanics, as well as their themes.
For the anniversary of the release of Pokémon Black and White, we release our tribute to the games. Part I focuses on gameplay and other mechanics, as well as their themes.
It’s a bee! It’s a snake! It’s a caterpillar! No, it’s Dunsparce!
Sneasel is a living fossil that tells us a lot about how Generation II itself was developed, and how the very concept of what being a Pokémon meant evolved over time.
We highlight the new Pokémon in Zacian, Zamazenta, Gossifleur, Eldegoss, Drednaw, Corviknight, and Wooloo – and new characters like Sonia and Nessa!