New five-minute long Sword and Shield Trailer released
It’s in Japanese, but there’s a lot to look at nonetheless.
It’s in Japanese, but there’s a lot to look at nonetheless.
A certain pony sure proved popular amongst the PokéCommunity artists. Check out all the fine works within!
Shorter tutorials, more on the Wild Area, and a few graphical mishaps. We summarise all the findings here!
It’ll launch early November for mobile devices, Macs, and PCs.
What are you hoping for?
Two more Pokémon lines have been spotted as well in Galar.
A new Trailer has been released now, and the official website confirms it is Psychic-type.
Keep checking back for updates! We’ve seen Impidimp, Morelull, and a new Pokémon – possibly related to Ponyta…
It’s probably not 18 Gyms each version after all…
No Exp. Share item or HMs, while autosaving is an optional feature. We summarise the slew of articles already revealed!