Meltan’s evolution “Melmetal” announced
It comes with an exclusive move and a whole lot more power! But you’ll need 400 Meltan Candy to evolve it…
It comes with an exclusive move and a whole lot more power! But you’ll need 400 Meltan Candy to evolve it…
A recent Eurogamer interview with Junichi Masuda sheds some light on the upcoming Let’s Go! Pikachu & Eevee titles. Rivvon looks over some specific points and gives her opinion.
Prepare to be the best Magikarp Master, the best there ever was.
Eevee themed items and outfits are on offer for players in the Nintendo Mobile app!
Is it an evolution, or something more? Either way, Meltan messing about in your house is cute.
The games have simplifications, and yet introduce mechanics not seen in the original Kanto games at the same time. Can Game Freak have their cake and eat it too?
Image inside! It may seem nuts, but this could be the Pokémon you can transfer to Pokémon GO from Pokémon Let’s Go.
You have to fight the Legendaries before trying to catch them!
“Playing it has removed some (but not all) of my cynicism.”
It’s likely we’ll see news on Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee.