November 15, 2021, 10:49 AM

We’re doing a Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl giveaway!
There’s two different giveaways – find out the details!
There’s two different giveaways – find out the details!
It appears you’ll need to go into a store to access a serial code.
Register for Game Sync and receive a free Master Ball!
The PokéCommunity has six copies of Pokémon Gold and Silver to give out! Find out how to win one here!
At participating stores and locations, you can obtain your free Bottle Cap to maximize one of your Pokémon’s IVs!
The Pokémon Company grants trainers a second chance to obtain the mythical Paleozoic Pokémon, Genesect!
You have until the 24th of October to download this Legendary.