January 4, 2022, 10:31 AM

Easier ways to find Feebas, Munchlax and more in BDSP
Some of these others are not so obvious to find. We highlight sites other skilled Trainers have created to help you hunt these Pokemon!
Some of these others are not so obvious to find. We highlight sites other skilled Trainers have created to help you hunt these Pokemon!
Hoenn confirmed! …again. Generation III is getting the spotlight this time around, what with Hoenn-based events and Feebas getting more prominent.
It and Glalie are the eleventh and twelfth Pokémon that can be Shiny in Pokémon GO. There’s more new findings as well, such as Wailmer and Feebas evolution methods.
One PokéCommunity member explores how frustratingly rare Feebas was in the earlier games.