[Updated] Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal Shiny Guide
Wanting to farm for Shiny Pokémon in generation 2? Learn about all the Shiny Pokémon you can obtain in Gold, Silver and Crystal, and how to breed others!
Wanting to farm for Shiny Pokémon in generation 2? Learn about all the Shiny Pokémon you can obtain in Gold, Silver and Crystal, and how to breed others!
Ho-Oh is here for all Pokémon GO raiders to challenge!
Register for Game Sync and receive a free Master Ball!
Shiny Silvally is now being distributed! Don’t forget to pick yours up!
Magikarp Jump is now available on Amazon devices.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be the final main installments of the franchise for the 3DS.
All new Pokémon are arriving for Pokémon GO’s Halloween event!
CoroCoro has arrived, and with it juicy new details for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon! We have Z-Moves for Necrozma and upgrades to the Rotom Pokédex.
A new shirt will be added to Pokémon GO in an effort to spread awareness of an initiative to fight poverty worldwide.
Marshadow is coming to the west through GameStop!