Pokémon named as the most mentioned video game on Twitter in 2017
It was talked about more than the likes of Overwatch and Minecraft.
Pokémon has been named as the most mentioned video game on Twitter during 2017 within a blog post on Twitter. The news comes as Twitter celebrates 218 million tweets relating to video games last year.
Here are the top-10 most-mentioned video games on Twitter globally, led by @Pokemon, which had 45 million mentions in 2017:
1 Pokemon (@Pokemon)
2 Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject)
3 Monster Strike (@MStrikeOfficial)
4 Splatoon (@SplatoonJP)
5 Ensemble Stars (@ensemble_stars)
6 Minecraft (@Minecraft)
7 Granblue Fantasy (@GranblueUSA)
8 Dragon Quest (@DragonQuest)
9 Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch)
10 Tap Tap Fish (@taptapfish)
Interestingly, Pokémon has been mentioned more than Overwatch; a game that significantly dominated 2017 within gaming communities. It also outranks Minecraft, arguably one of the most well-known PC games of all time.

With the popularity of Pokémon GO, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, and the news of a new Nintendo Switch Pokémon game in the works, it is no wonder Pokémon is on everyone’s minds!
Edited by bobandbill, HeroLinik and Rabinov.