Pokémon GO Players reporting Raid Battles have gotten harder
Numerous responses in a thread on the popular sub-Reddit community The Silph Road today have suggested that Raid Battles in Pokémon GO have just gotten notably harder in the past few hours. Level 3 and 4 Raid Battles have suddenly become a lot more challenging to beat, and has been even failed by players who frequently complete these trials. One report states:
Huh. I figured the Arcanine raid I failed today was just due to its really strong move set (it has wild charge, either my poor Vaporeons got fried or my rock types timed out).
Maybe they did increase the difficulty so that people will have no choice but to play in groups.
Another player says:
Same story here – tried a Venusaur w 3 high level players, got it down to 10%. Tried again with six players, doubling our team size, and only got it to 20%. (Two of the players were low-level btw)
I was discouraged and kind of alarmed – this is a fairly active college town & tourist town and this the most people we can ever get together in my town, after 2 weeks after signing everybody we can find to a fb chat group, & beating the bushes for people. Today our group of 6 only happened after we begged 3 more people to come out in the rain to join us. People had driven way out of their way on a cold chilly wet day for nothing.
If this is the new way raids are gonna be, we are never going to be able to take down tier 4 bosses again. :(
This comes within a day of the Worldwide Challenge and the subsequent release of Legendary Raids.
What are your thoughts on these reports? Do you want more of a challenge, or did you already find that gathering others for level 3 and 4 Raids to be a bother?
Thanks to Forever for the tip.
Edited by rainbow.