
Poké Finder – the new Pokémon Snap-like game?

The new photography mini-game in Pokémon Sun and Moon looks like it could be a lot of fun. Check out our summary and video of Poké Finder!

Amongst all the news about Ultra Beasts and new Pokémon in the trailers released today on Pokémon Sun and Moon, it’s easy to miss the small stuff. One such feature is Poké Finder which will surely interest players of Pokémon Snap. You find spots around Alola and snap pictures of Pokémon. In addition, you can upload your images and get comments and feedback in-game!

First, check out this video on the topic by Achromatic of the PokéCommunity YouTube team! There is footage from the trailers on Poké Finder.

We learn the following from the official website:

A feature known as the Poké Finder allows you to take pictures of Pokémon you find. It’s loaded into the Rotom Dex. When you use the Poké Finder in certain photo spots scattered throughout the Alola region, you can take pictures of Pokémon.

The pictures you take will be evaluated, and as you take better pictures, more features—like the ability to zoom in—become available.

This seems like it could be a lot of fun, even without the ability to throw apples. Notably, you can even photograph rare Pokémon such as Dragonite! And you can get feedback from other Sun and Moon players.

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