New Pokémon Revealed for Upcoming Movie
Man-made Pokémon, “Magiana”, on the run from Volcanion.
The Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed a brand new Pokémon today, after promising last month of news that would “change the world”. It is called Magiana (マギアナ), and is stated to be a man-made Pokémon created over 500 years ago.
Given the information that it has a metallic body, we can guess that it has the Steel typing. Standing at a humble 1 metre tall and weighing a hefty 80.5 kg, it’ll feature in the next Pokémon movie, Volcanion and the Exquisite Magiana. The summary of this film is as follows:
As Ash and his friends continue their journey, Volcanion drops down from the sky in front of them. Volcanion’s object is to recover Magiana, who has been abducted by the “Azoth Kingdom”, a city of super-machinery. However, Volcanion and Ash have become linked together by a strange (?????). Will the two of them manage to work together and save Magiana?

What are your thoughts of this new surprising announcement?