Colourful Thoughts: What happened to diving?
Arguably one of the most useful HMs from Generations III to V is suddenly nonexistant in Pokémon XY and SM. What happened to it, and what would a current generation dive look like?
Arguably one of the most useful HMs from Generations III to V is suddenly nonexistant in Pokémon XY and SM. What happened to it, and what would a current generation dive look like?
With the reveal of the Nintendo Switch, what does this say about Pokémon games released after Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon? colours finds out from the community!
colours asks the community what their best memories were of the first set of games of the fourth generation: Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl!
colours asks the community to see whether or not the Gen VI games are worth your time and money in the midst of Pokémon Sun and Moon hype!
Being swamped by news reveals, what does the PokéCommunity expect next from Alola? colours gathers some thoughts from around the community on what they think The Pokémon Company would reveal next!